Workers compensation claims cover a multitude of different injuries and diseases. From spinal injuries to minor sprains each comes with a price for the insurer. Between surgeries, post-operative rehabilitation, and medications these claims can get relatively expensive. Having an experienced attorney can help maximize the payout of your claim. The cost of these claims is an important thing to know when negotiating.
National Safety Council
The National Safety Council (NSC) published a report of the average workers compensation claim costs nationally. The data showed that between 2021-2022 the average cost of all claims was $44,179. Motor vehicle accidents were the most costly workers compensation claims at an average of $90,914. However, head and central nervous system injuries were the most expensive with an average of $91,844. The least expensive were hand, fingers, and wrist injuries at an average of $27,072. Unsurprisingly, the most expensive injuries were amputations at $120,077.
Montana Claims
The Montana Department of Labor & Industry publishes the state’s statistics on Workers Compensation claims. In Montana, from 2021-2022, the most common injuries are sprains, strains, and tears with 64.4 incidents for every 10,000 full time workers. These injuries seem to occur most commonly in the trade, transportation, and utilities industries. The NSC report put the average cost of claims arising from sprains and strains at $35,675.
2024 AmTrust Report
According to the 2024 AmTrust Restaurant Risk Report, the most common restaurant workplace injuries nationally are to the fingers. These injuries are 55% more frequent than the second most common, injuries to multiple body parts. However, they tend to have a very low pay out per claim. Finger injuries have an average pay out of $2,164. While injuries to multiple body parts have an average of $12,149.
The AmTrust report found that the top three most expensive injuries are spinal discs, vertebrae and spinal cord. These injuries comprise only 1% of all claims. Injuries to spinal discs are the least common but the most expensive with an average payout of $85,130. Next are vertebrae with an average of $67,362. Lastly, the spinal cord with an average of $60,609.
Medical Procedure Estimates
Surgical pricing estimates help gain a better perspective on the costs of a claim. Typically, most major hospitals and healthcare facilities offer specific pricing estimates. Some have access to these estimates on their websites while others require you to call their offices. These prices can also be impacted by insurance.
Some examples of pricing estimates include $15,000-$20,000 for the DISCSEEL procedure. An average of $41,245 for a spinal fusion in Montana. Inguinal hernia surgery in Montana is an average of $4,508. Keep in mind these prices do not include anesthesia, imaging, professional fees, rehabilitation, etc.
Things to Keep in Mind
Workers’ compensation can cover all types of injuries, from complex traumatic brain injuries to the average strain. Claims can also cover occupational diseases. These claims can get quite expensive. Insurance companies know these prices better than most people. So having an attorney keep your best interest in mind can greatly benefit your claim.
Insurance companies take these medical expenses into account when evaluating your claim. They can weigh heavily on your final settlement, especially if you will likely need further treatment. There are attorneys who can represent you, so you get that high payout and not settle for less.
Contact us today at (406) 549-3323 for a free consultation.